Welcome to my blog!

I used to blog here mostly using local photos about my neighborhood or Washington DC or other places I visited. But over time I found myself blogging about crafts or sewing projects or my activities as a seller of collectibles on Ebay (look my stuff up under Mugsim7) or other topics, such as selling my beautiful old Victorian townhouse. Occasionally, I take a break from blogging so you won't see anything regularly. But I'm still have fun writing it. May your days be blessed with miracles, and creativity too!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Last Barber of Bloomingdale

There's been quite a few barbershops in the basements and front parlors of the Bloomingdale neighborhood since I've lived here, but this one, "Showtime," has outlasted the competition. Near to the First and Rhode Island NW intersection, and situated at a bus stop, there's always a client inside and there's something very attractive about the decorated window and sidewalk billboard. It may even be wheelchair accessible so I've thought of my son going there to get his hair trimmed when he comes home. I've yet to meet the barber himself but my neighbor told me he has a great personality (I think she dated him a few times!). Our neighborhood used to have several of these barber shops tucked away among the two and three storey houses, part of its longstanding African American culture, but no-one takes up the businesses when the old-timers pass so we're down to maybe one or two. But this store seems like a going concern and seems to provide a personal service that many like.

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